That's the plan. Tampa then Orlando. I guess I could go over the plan, what all this road trip involves. So here it goes.
Tonight I'm going to go through everything I've packed and make sure I didn't forget anything. My packing mood hit hardcore at like midnight on Thursday. This was after so you think you can dance of course, I can't miss that show. The finale is next week, I'm hoping I can find just a little bit of time at some point to watch it, since all the epicness of Disney will be going on. Anyways, back to the plan. Tonight, double check everything. And since my parents are coming I'll have my dads truck, so I don't really have to plan on buying too much when I get there. I'm making a walmart run tonight with Cindy Bailey (mom) to get all the bathroom and shower stuff. And maybe some food, that way the parents will pay for it.
Tomorrow (Sunday) I think we're getting up around 9 or so and loading up the car, then starting the 8ish hour drive to Tampa. We're staying with some family friends for the night, our old neighbors from when we lived there a few years ago. I think we're gonna have a big cookout and go swimming and all that fun stuff. Woot.
Monday is the big day! Waking up early, probably 6 or 630, and making the hour drive to Orlando to start this epic adventure. Crazy! I'm excited, nervous, happy, sad, just basically every emotion right now. Well, except angry, I'm not really mad at anyone. Monday I'll move in and find out who my roommates are, I didn't do that whole find one before you get there thing. I like the element of surprise I guess. I had a random roomie this past year and it was great, hoping that happens again. Well, to be totally honest, I lost track of time and just forgot to find one. But I'll know in a couple days. It's all good.
Since I'm leaving so soon, the see you later dinners have happened. These are see you later adventures, not goodbye dinners, because it's really not goodbye, it's see you later. Thursday I went to the house of a couple of the most wonderful and awesome people i know to watch so you think you can dance and have breakfast for dinner. Brinner, if you will. They even got me the most baller going away gift: diet dr pepper, Disney stuff, and futurama stuff. And an inside joke thing, but no one will understand it if I tried to explain, so I'm not going to even bother. They know me so well, it's like we have the same brain or something.
See, Nibbler and Bender now have Zapp and Leela. And it even came in a Disney Princess gift bag. Too cute.
Last night I went to see a couple friends in Smyrna, which was fun and sad at the same time. My so you think you can dance buddy went with me. That was one of the longest drives home I think I've ever had, even though it's only about an hour drive. The drive home is usually fun and loud and full of giggles and singing lady gaga, but I think that's when it really hit that summer was over and it was time to head to Florida. Granted, I am going to be gone only a few months and it's going to be a life changing and wonderful experience, but still, it's a bit scary. I need some ice cream to calm down. brb.
Ok, emotional moment over, now for excitement. Ahh! I leave tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! Ok, now I'm stoked and can't wait. It's Orlando, and I'm going to be out of McDonough. Ballin.
And I think the vlog is actually going go happen either the morning of leaving or during the drive. We shall see.
Next time I post I'm going to be in Florida! Yay!
Tonight I'm going to go through everything I've packed and make sure I didn't forget anything. My packing mood hit hardcore at like midnight on Thursday. This was after so you think you can dance of course, I can't miss that show. The finale is next week, I'm hoping I can find just a little bit of time at some point to watch it, since all the epicness of Disney will be going on. Anyways, back to the plan. Tonight, double check everything. And since my parents are coming I'll have my dads truck, so I don't really have to plan on buying too much when I get there. I'm making a walmart run tonight with Cindy Bailey (mom) to get all the bathroom and shower stuff. And maybe some food, that way the parents will pay for it.
Tomorrow (Sunday) I think we're getting up around 9 or so and loading up the car, then starting the 8ish hour drive to Tampa. We're staying with some family friends for the night, our old neighbors from when we lived there a few years ago. I think we're gonna have a big cookout and go swimming and all that fun stuff. Woot.
Monday is the big day! Waking up early, probably 6 or 630, and making the hour drive to Orlando to start this epic adventure. Crazy! I'm excited, nervous, happy, sad, just basically every emotion right now. Well, except angry, I'm not really mad at anyone. Monday I'll move in and find out who my roommates are, I didn't do that whole find one before you get there thing. I like the element of surprise I guess. I had a random roomie this past year and it was great, hoping that happens again. Well, to be totally honest, I lost track of time and just forgot to find one. But I'll know in a couple days. It's all good.
Since I'm leaving so soon, the see you later dinners have happened. These are see you later adventures, not goodbye dinners, because it's really not goodbye, it's see you later. Thursday I went to the house of a couple of the most wonderful and awesome people i know to watch so you think you can dance and have breakfast for dinner. Brinner, if you will. They even got me the most baller going away gift: diet dr pepper, Disney stuff, and futurama stuff. And an inside joke thing, but no one will understand it if I tried to explain, so I'm not going to even bother. They know me so well, it's like we have the same brain or something.
Last night I went to see a couple friends in Smyrna, which was fun and sad at the same time. My so you think you can dance buddy went with me. That was one of the longest drives home I think I've ever had, even though it's only about an hour drive. The drive home is usually fun and loud and full of giggles and singing lady gaga, but I think that's when it really hit that summer was over and it was time to head to Florida. Granted, I am going to be gone only a few months and it's going to be a life changing and wonderful experience, but still, it's a bit scary. I need some ice cream to calm down. brb.
Ok, emotional moment over, now for excitement. Ahh! I leave tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! Ok, now I'm stoked and can't wait. It's Orlando, and I'm going to be out of McDonough. Ballin.
And I think the vlog is actually going go happen either the morning of leaving or during the drive. We shall see.
Next time I post I'm going to be in Florida! Yay!
Heya! I'm on a break after working 3 years for the Mouse, hit me up if you have any questions!